
The AHSN Network in numbers

The AHSN Network in numbersSee at a glance how the 15 AHSNs have made a significant collective impact since they were first established in 2013 Download Now!


Faecal Calprotectin

Faecal CalprotectinFind out more about how we developed this programme to help GPs make the difficult discrimination between irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease. Download Now!


Learning from Healthcare Deaths

Learning from Healthcare DeathsDiscover how our Improvement Academy supports member organisations to learn from patient deaths and make improvements in care. Download Now!


Mental Health, Physical Health

Mental Health, Physical HealthLearn about how we supported the adoption of this physical health assessment template to help healthcare professionals conduct annual health checks for patients with serious mental illness. Download Now!


Healthy Ageing

Healthy AgeingGet an overview of our award winning electronic Frailty Index tool which enables the identification and severity grading of frailty. Download Now!


Yorkshire & Humber AHSN Timeline

Yorkshire & Humber AHSN TimelineFollow the important moments, developments and events that happened in our first five year licence period. Download Now!
