
North of England Care Home Falls Summit

North of England Care Home Falls SummitSee a summary of our Care Home Falls Summit where we gathered staff from care homes and NHS and social care organisations from across the region to share ideas and best practice. Download Now!


Improving the quality of life for people with frailty

Improving the quality of life for people with frailtyWatch what happened at our north of England frailty event where we gathered stakeholders from across the whole system to talk about the challenges and needs of those people who are living with frailty in the region. Download Now!


Spread and adoption of innovation: national programmes

Spread and adoption of innovation: national programmesGet an over view of the seven programmes of work that have been selected for national adoption and spread across the AHSN Network during 2018-2020. Download Now!


Working together to help reduce stroke risk

Working together to help reduce stroke riskFind out more about our work with Healthwatch Kirklees to detect people who have Atrial Fibrillation and therefore are at increased risk of having a stroke. Download Now!


Medicines support for people leaving hospital

Medicines support for people leaving hospitalLearn more about our plans to replicate the work of Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust’s ‘Connect with Pharmacy’ programme which improves continuity of care for patients and reduces readmissions. Download Now!


Who We Are

Who We AreMeet some of the team who will be working with you in the year ahead. Download Now!


Our sources of income

Our sources of incomeSee at a glance how our work is funded by a variety of national and local commissioners. Download Now!
